I will review tv-shows, books, movies and talk about anything I love and that is worth mentioning.

I know Pretty Little Liars is a really cheesy show and not very intelligent but it’s so much fun to watch. So when Ingrid and Joey (Youtubers) did this PLL-TAG, I thought it would be fun to answer the questions.

But there are some spoilers if you haven’t watched the most recent episodes.


  • 1. Who is your favourite character?

You gotta love Spencer, she really keeps it interesting since she’s always just one step behind A. However, I also really enjoy Aria and Hanna but mostly because of their relatioships. xD

  • 2.Who do you think is behind the A-team?

I’m really bad with guessing because I always fall for misleading hints. In the first seasons I suspected Aria’s little brother, then I really disliked Aria’s father (I still don’t trust him) and Spencer’s sister was really suspicious as well. I wan’t to say that Allison is behind all of it but I believe she really is dead. Basically, I have no idea.

  • 3. Who do you ship?

Aria and Wesley (Ezra’s brother), Wren and Hanna (Spencer would be alright as well).

  • 4. Most memorable cheesy/stupid moment?

I have to agree with Ingrid and Joey: The scene where Emily and Page took a walk in the woods(!!!) even though they were scared..That was just sooo…stupid (and typical)!!

  • 5. Favourite villain?

Definitly Mona. She is so much fun because she is evil and crazy at the same time. But she still pretends to be a really nice person which makes it so much more enjoyable.

  • 6. Who do you predict will or might become a villain?

I suspect Ezra because he has been really weird lately. Especially since he found out about his son- but even before that. He is hiding something. Oh and Spencer’s sister Melissa is most definitly involved as well.

  • 7. Which girl do you think has been hurt most by A?

Emily. She lost her secret, her parts of her memories and her girlfriend because of A.

  • 8. Which girl’s style do you love the most? Which girl do you relate to the most?

I love Aria’s style because it is so creative and weird. But it always looks great on her. However. I also enjoy Spencer because her style is more relateable and more wearable. All in all her whole character is more relateable, believable and more real than that of the others.

  • 9. Why do the girls keep seeing Alison? Do you think there’s something more behind it?

I don’t think it means something. It’s just to our confusion and to make the show more mysterious.

  • 10. Who’s your crush on the show? 😉

Wren: He is just so cute and also he is a doctor(!) and I’ve always loved Ezra. But now that he has a son he’s a bit annoying (even though I’m not sure if it’s really his -I don’t trust his mother). Oh- and Caleb.

  • 11. Who is your least favorite character? (Out of the 4 girls and overall)

Out of the girls I have to say Emily. She is just really boring and annying. And I HATE Aria’s father ..he is such a creep.

  • 12. What was the biggest shocking moment for you?

When they revealed that Toby is part of the A-team. I had to play that part over and over again because I was so shocked. I did not suspect a thing.

  • 13. Do you think Toby is really dead?

I think he is. I mean how would they know that Spencer wouldn’t check the body to see if is Toby?

  • 14. What would you do if A was after YOU?!

I would collect all the evidence and show it to the police!! Or I would try to find her by myself (and get killed).


Hope you enjoyed this! And if you watch Pretty Little Liars, I would love to see your answers! Write them in the comments below or send a link to your blogpost or video!


Some thoughts on the 12th and 13th episosde:

– They didn’t forget to bring in an important element of the forst few seasons: the alternate universe

– It was good to see Agent Lincoln again, and even alternate Olivia (she looked like Nina with that hair)

– It was nice that Olivia had a bigger part in the plan than in the beginning of season 5.

– So it the Observers were growing emotions by being in this era and Windmark experienced “Hate”

– So cute that Walter did remember Astrid’s name correctly

– And in this end plan only September died, which is sad, but considering that they changed the future and present pretty fortunate.


I liked both episodes for involving lots of characters we haven’t seen in a while and for finally ending the chapter of Observers. And as usual, the acting did not disappoint. However, for a series finale it was all a bit too calm for my liking and way to unspectacular. We had some better final episodes over the last few years. But I guess, for a show ending it was good nonetheless.  They didn’t ruin the show by removing important characters or by not explaining questions that came up over the course of the whole series. And it was a happy ending.

Thus, overall I’m not impressed but confortable with the season finale.


Some thoughts on the eleventh episode:

– It was cool to see a glimps of the future.

– Peter and Walter are on really good terms, thanks to the boy. And Walter will not change back to his evil self. Great news.

– September looked amazing with hair and his whole role was just awesome. September “biologically reversed” is even better than usual September.

– And the boy is his son. I like that.

– And thank god, they have good explanations for the development of Observers and why they lack emotions.

– How cool is it that Windmark seems to be experiencing anger. And the other guy was tapping to the music.

– Does that mean the future/present is already changing?

– Or can the emotion part come back after a certain time when working so close together with (or against) humans? Because September definitely was attached to the Fringe team and empathetic towards “undeveloped” humans.

– The plan is not disappointing, I think: To build a device to send the boy back to the future, to present him as living proof that emotions and intelligence do work together.

– But why did he got off the train? Did he calculate that in order for the plan to work? Or is he just worried about his father?


I think the finale should be pretty amazing. What did you think of that episode?

The Human Kind (5×08):

– That was a really cool episode!

– I liked how Peter new that Windmark was coming to his place.

– And I liked the explanation that was given for Peter’s change: That emotions were replaced for higher rational thought and the full potential of the human brain.

– Sadly, this cool chapter of him being an Observer is over and he is back to normal.


Black Blotter (5×09):

– The boy definitly looks as if he could be September

– Where is Donald?

– And what was Sam Weiss doing there?

– Unfortunately this wasn’t my favourite episode.


Anomaly XB-6783746 (5×10):

– So, the boy is an Observer but a genetical anomalie. Cool.

– I like how Nina was comparing the Observers to Lizards, saying that they are the ones who redeveoped, who are the animals. -Windmark almost showed emotions.

– And a pretty cool explanation for the head angle thing they’re always doing.

– And Donald was September. Interesting.


Awesome science!

More cool videos by AsapSCIENCE can be found here on youtube.


Some thoughts on the seventh episode:

– This was freaking AWESOME! So good! I absolutley loved this episode and it’s definitly my favourite episode of this season. Since episode four Fringe had been really awesome and it makes me sad to think that its going to be over soon!

– How cool is Peter? I mean, he is freakishly weird and its worrying how much he became like an Observer..but still so cool!

– He sounds like them, does the same thing with the head, speaks simultaniously with Olivia and now his hair is falling out as well!

– I don’t want him to become like the Observers, obviously – but it wouldn’t hurt if he keeps this up one more episode.

– Watch out Windmark! You’re next!

– But I’m wondering since Windmark knows whats going on with Peter and isn’t worried at all; maybe Peter will turn to his side. Because Observers don’t feel like humans, so that Peter might not care about the plan to destroy the Observers.


What did you think? Wasn’t it great?

Some thoughts on the sixth episode:

– I enjoyed this episode a lot: Especially, because we saw some of Peter’s new skills (so cool), a little bit more of Walter-action and Olivia is  involved again – did not know I would like that!

– I liked the whole idea of a pocket universe with its different physical rules, such as time and gravity.

– I also liked that they connected to old cases, I wonder where the boy is and if he changed because we don’t know when Donald actually moved him.

– And the question remains: Who is Don?

– Seeing all the Observers I have to say: September is missing.

– I really liked the fighting between Peter and the Observer; I hope he shows some more awsome skills. However, when will he tell the others about it?

– Was is just me who saw that, or did the leader of the Observers smile when he saw Peter and his new skills?

– So cool that the door signs where the Glyphs which can be seen before the commercial breaks.

– Poor Walter, his old self is coming back.

– What did Peter see in the last scene?

“You don’t even know what you don’t know.” – Observer

Some thoughts on the fifth episode:

– Good idea to turn the wormhole into a blackhole, unfortunately it did not work. The question is why? And what is in those boxes?

– I did not like the fighting with Peter, Olivia and the Observer: it was way too slow.

– It’s interesting to see that Etta got the status of an martyr now.

– I can’t believe the resistance was able to capture an observer?

– But it was clear that he would fake the change of the pupil  dilaton in the eye, but it was still a good idea of Peter.

– I said Peter is going to struggle with Ettas death: He is in full revenge mode and he does not care about the others.

– Right before the last scenes I was thinking how this episode wasn’t a progress from the last one: No new tapes and moreover the mission failed.

– And then the most awesome (I shouldn’t feel that way I know) thing happened: Peter cut out the advanced technology that make Observer Observers apparently and used it for himself! (Holy shit!)

– Will he turn into an emotionless human being? Even though he still looked as though he was stil full of rage.

– Maybe it will turn him into a bad version of himself, like Peter Parker as spiderman in his black suit.

– What otherabilities will Peter have? Reading minds? Travel in time?

– I am super excited for the next episode, going to watch it now!

What did you think of the episode? Did you like the turn at the end?

I can’t believe I am writing this but I watched 7(!) epsiodes of “Revolution” so far! And really, I didn’t intent to write anything about it because it’s such a bad show. But this episode was so awful I had to tell you how bad Revolution really is.

First off, I still think it’s was a brilliant idea: 15 years ago the power in the world went out (the blackout) and since then our characters in America and everyone else live like in medieval days. Cooking over fire, getting out of the cities to grow food, using horses but everyone is still wearing modern clothes.

I thought after watching the first mediocre episode I will give it a go because it had amazing options in where the story could go.

The dystopian future offers the mosst unrealistic views: I mean Charlie (main character) who apparantely grew up in this brutal world but is whining about every use of violence and who keeps annoying me with her absolutly inappropiate demands to know everything as if she has the right to do so. Moreover the Militia, the son of a Militia soldier who should be an half Afrian-American but looks like a Latino and useless rebels who want the United States back.

Also why was Miles (founder and former Militia leader) getting Nora (a rebel) just because she is good with explosions when they were on a mission to get Danny (Charlie’s brother)? I know they had to introduce her but couldn’t they think of something more plausible?

I absolutly hate Charlie’s (Tracy Spiridakos) acting, also that of her brother (I don’t know why they think it’s necessary to have so many Justin Bieber lookalikes with bad coloured hair on the show),the mother (Elizabeth Mitchell – I already hated her in Lost; why does she always have to look as though she had a bad headache?), Nora and the bunch of kids they introduced in the latest episode.

To be a little bit positiv I liked the acting of Monroe (leader of Militia) and that of Billy Burke – at least in the beginning. I would also like to know more about the myserious pendants.

“Revolution” not only has a lacking story line and bad actors, it also has the worst dialogues. Sometimes I was laughing out loud because of its ridiculous dialogues.

I am really bad when it comes to stop something even if it’s a waste of time but this might be one of the very few shows I’ll  quit. I just can’t see how it will get better any time soon.


Have you watched the show yet? What did you think?

New blog!

Because my more personal posts seemed to be getting a lot of good responses I decided to have another blog concerning only my experiences in Scotland and other personal stuff.

I hope you check it out!
